Thursday, 9 June 2016

All the Time Tallest Woman of the World

Ella Ewing 7'4.5"

The tallest American during he life, he is lived from 1872 to 1913. she made a name in circuses and side shows. She wear specially made shoes.

Maria Fassnauer  7'3"

He is germen lady Age 27, Weight 360 lbs. He is born to former family and developed under the age of three, At fifteen year he is over two. He died in the age of 38 in 1917

Anna Haining Swan 7'5.5"

Anana Haining Swan is a canandian Lady born in Scotia in 1846. She is tall from the young age

Sandy Allen 7'7.7"

She is tallest American woman born in Chicago in 1955. Allens height were increases with the defect of pituitary gland which increase the growth hormone in the human body. She were died in 2008.

Yao Defen 7'8"

Yao Defen born in China in 1972. She is tall from the young age. Its believed tumour in the girl brain which affected the pituitary Gland. She died in 2012 at the age 40.

Zeng Jinlian 8'1.75"

Zeng Jinlian born in China in 1964. She is died in 1982 at the age of 17.


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